Tuesday, November 9, 2010


If you're one of my friend in FB or follower in Twitter, I guess you know i'm not that serious in studying but enjoying my life.I'm going to die die die die die die die die in two weeks later.Got my trial result paper.Results just sucks like hell.But i think it's still okay for me.Don't worry.I will not give up until the end.Although when I'm looking at the book,the book is looking at me,asking me whether I understand it,my mind is full of IDK.Fml.

Mikie driving skill improved.She didn't feel scare when driving on the road where cars are like water flow.She drove us out today,Rachel and me.For the first time,I feel that she is a sister for us,elder sister.I feel so damn good.Thanks for the ride and accompaniment, Mikie and Rachel.I hope our friendship last long.

I feel old.I really do feel old.Few months ago, friends who older than me drive.But now, my friends can drive even ME.I'M DRIVING A CAR.(can't believe it.).I don't feel like growing up that fast.Living in adult's world is complicated and makes me feel very unhappy and stressful.

I hope I'm going to do more revision this week as I don't think I'm going to study that much next week as Jacy sis is going to finish her final exam and she is leaving Malaysia soon.(I MISS HER).So, we'll be having fun before she leave.

I'm going to leave my blog dead again.Sorry, Honey.I'll get back to you as soon as possible.I love you, Honey.

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